Stakeholder Engagement

We strive to build relationships of trust with customers and our other diverse stakeholders by appropriately identifying and incorporating their expectations and requirements. We believe that understanding their needs and providing seeds are essential for sustainable management. Based on this philosophy, we are working to deepen communication with stakeholders who impact our business activities.

Approach to Stakeholder Engagement

Through communication with our various stakeholders, we focus on utilizing stakeholder engagement in our corporate activities.

Initiatives Method of approach
Customers We work to increase customer satisfaction by identifying customer needs and providing high-value-added products.
  • Daily communication via sales activities
  • Participation in exhibitions
  • Website
  • Inquiries
Shareholders and investors We work to provide a better understanding of our business conditions and initiatives by disclosing information in a timely and appropriate manner and by returning an appropriate share of profits to shareholders.
  • Shareholders meeting
  • Financial briefings
  • Website
  • Inquiries
Employees We respect the human rights of every employee and strive to create a safe and comfortable workplace where employees can make the most of their various abilities.
  • Information provided online
  • Employee awareness surveys
  • Consultation desks
  • Various training programs
Suppliers We will conduct sound transactions based on fairness, coexistence, and co-prosperity, build relationships of trust, and aim to build relationships of mutual growth. Exchange of information in daily business talks
Local communities We will build good relationships with local communities and contribute to the sound and sustainable development of local communities.
  • Community fellowship
  • Website
Job seekers We will disclose accurate company and job information to job seekers, consider the career of every job seeker, and work to secure high-performing personnel.
  • Interviews
  • Recruitment websites
  • Company briefings

Environmental, Social and Governance