Respect for Human Rights

To ensure that all stakeholders' human rights are respected during our business activities, we have clarified our relevant policy. We are working together to promote respect for human rights with the expectation that there is an understanding regarding the respect for human rights and that it is put into practice under this policy.

Basic Policy on Human Rights

Basic Policy on Human Rights

This Basic Policy clarifies our commitment to respect human rights and fulfills our responsibility as a company to respect human rights following our corporate philosophy.

We support and respect the following international norms on human rights.

  • International Bill of Human Rights
  • ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
  • The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact
  • The UN’s Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

We recognize and respect diversity regarding race, religion, gender, skin color, language, nationality, age, sexual orientation/identification, and disability. We prohibit discrimination on any grounds and respect the diverse cultures and histories of each country as we conduct our business activities.

Applicable scope of the Basic Policy on Human Rights

This policy applies to all our executives, employees, contract employees, short-term contract employees, part-time employees, temporary employees, etc. We also ask our customers and partners to support this policy and work together to promote respect for human rights.

Human rights due diligence

Following the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and this policy, we have established a human rights due diligence system to identify, prevent, and mitigate adverse impacts on human rights.

Remedies and corrections

We have established whistleblowing hotlines inside and outside the company for reports concerning human rights issues. As a matter of course, the anonymity of whistleblowers and the confidentiality of their reports are protected, and we also ensure whistleblower protection by prohibiting disadvantageous treatment of whistleblowers or retaliatory measures against them. Furthermore, if human rights violations are discovered, we will work to remedy and correct such violations through the appropriate procedures and dialogue.

Implementation, dissemination, and education

We will continue holding educational training sessions for executives and all employees to ensure this policy is appropriately understood and permeates our business activities.

Environmental, Social and Governance