Employee Engagement

Our working environment is changing significantly with Japan's declining birthrate and aging population, globalization, and diversifying values. In these unpredictable times, we believe it is necessary to realize sustainable management that responds swiftly to changes and continues to grow. Personnel is the source from which such adaptability and growth spring forth, and we are working to create a workplace that fosters job satisfaction and pride by improving the working environment, promoting diversity, and developing personnel over the medium to long term so that employees can enhance their strengths and work vigorously.

Employee awareness surveys

We believe continuously increasing employee engagement, including employee motivation and job satisfaction, is required to enhance corporate value.
To ensure the dissemination of our corporate philosophy and management policy, ensure that our organizational culture is understood, and check employee satisfaction, we regularly conduct employee awareness surveys that measure employee engagement.

Promoting flexible and diverse working styles

To offer working styles suited to each employee’s life situation, such as caring for children or older relatives, and to enhance their work-life balance, we have introduced a flextime system and a staggered workday system. We are working to create a comfortable working environment.

Systems for promoting work-life balance

Childcare & nursing care-related systems Childcare leave system, nursing care leave system, childcare shortened hours work system, nursing care shortened hours work system, system for taking leave on an hourly basis for childcare/nursing care (paid leave)
Flextime system The sales department and management department have implemented core time (11:00 to 15:00) and flextime (7:30 to 20:00)
Staggered workday system This system lets employees choose their work start and end times from two patterns.
Anniversary leave This system enables employees to take two days off on their self-defined anniversaries (employees are free to set these individually, e.g., wedding anniversaries and birthdays).

Utilization ratio of childcare leave

Comments from an employee who has taken childcare leave

I’m the father of twin girls. We cannot rely on our parents, and I took about four months of childcare leave after they were born. With no one around that we could consult or refer to, raising twins as our first children has been even more difficult than we imagined. While I originally took the childcare leave to help my wife, it was a very happy time. It turned into a great experience contributing to my fatherly duties in the future.

Encouraging the use of annual paid leave

We have set the acquisition ratio of annual paid leave at 70%, which is the level called for by the government.
We aim to further improve the acquisition ratio by implementing planned acquisition of five days of paid leave per year, and activities which promote taking paid leave.

Target Results
2023 2022
General 75% 69%
Management 60% 45%
Total 70% or higher 62%

Efforts aimed at rectifying long working hours

We are taking measures to rectify long working hours by improving work efficiency and ascertaining monthly and yearly working hours using an attendance management system, and are thoroughly adhering to laws and the 36 Agreement.

Target Results
2023 2022
Total annual working hours/person 1,950 2,096
Average monthly overtime hours/person 10 17

Personnel development

With opportunities for learning in training sessions and everyday work, and feedback from supervisors, etc., we respect each and every employee and support their self-realization through conversation, with the aim of fostering an organizational culture where diverse talent can proactively take on challenges.

Education & training

As part of personnel development, we carry out training by job level, training for newly appointed managers, and management training. In recent years, we have implemented harassment training for managers and are working to strengthen harassment prevention.

Target management system

We have adopted a target management system as part of our personnel development. At the beginning of the fiscal year, after the employee and supervisor confirm organizational policies, goals are set, and the employee works to achieve them while accompanying support is provided by the supervisor. The level of achievement of the targets is confirmed at the end of the fiscal year and reflected in the evaluation. In addition to reviews during the fiscal year, frequent 1-on-1 meetings are utilized to enhance target achievement and contribute to the growth of the company as a whole.

Environmental, Social and Governance