Contributing to a Recycling-Oriented Society

We recognize that pollution from waste and toxic substances and depletion of natural resources are important issues affecting life’s survival on Earth. We proactively make waste-related efforts for the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) and contribute to the realization of a recycling-oriented society to reduce environmental impacts from the waste and other byproducts generated by our business activities.

Efforts for waste reduction and recycling

To curb waste generated by our business activities, we are working to reduce waste by reusing and recycling resources and separating trash. We are making efforts to reduce the use of paper, raw materials, and other materials by thoroughly separating and collecting waste generated by offices and factories and by reviewing manufacturing processes. Furthermore, we are working to recycle industrial waste by outsourcing disposal to industrial waste disposal companies with recycling facilities.

Efforts for reduced energy consumption

We are working to upgrade to LED lighting to reduce our energy consumption.
We have installed all LED lighting at our Headquarters building, established in 2019, and our Technology Development Center built in 2023. We are gradually updating other offices to LED lights.

Using fewer paper resources

In addition to reducing the number of handouts by using monitors at internal meetings, we are also working to reduce paper consumption by promoting a thorough Digital Transformation of operations by establishing a workflow system.

Effective use of water resources

A shortage of water resources due to increased water usage is associated with a growing global population, and climate change is a global risk. In addition to reducing our water usage, we are working to preserve water resources through efficient water use.

Environmental, Social and Governance